Pragmatic Software

Founded in 1992, Pragmatic Software provides award winning application lifecycle management (ALM) tools and portals that allow teams to complete projects faster and with higher quality. Pragmatic Software currently has over 70,000 subscribers in over 24 countries.

How did Pragmatic Software gain such a large subscriber base? By offering comprehensive, flexible products that are fully web-based and backing those products with unparalleled support.

Our clients have access to online support tickets and phone support. Our support engineers offer immediate response for critical issues and less than 2 hour response for other requests, which is uncommon in the IT industry.

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Brochure from Pragmatic Software:
Software Planner Users Guide

Tags: ALM, Project Management, LifeCycle Management, Test Case Management
Category: Application Lifecycle Management
Brochure from Pragmatic Software:
Getting Started with Software Planner

Tags: Help Desk, ALM, Ticket Management, Test Case Management
Category: Application Lifecycle Management
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